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Resources for Students at York University

One of the best things about being a student at York is that there are so many resources and services available on campus to help students achieve their academic and non-academic goals.  Whether you are looking for assistance with a research project, or you need advice on how to revamp your resume; York offers so many amazing services that every student has access to. For me, the five resources at York that I always make sure to access are:  

5. The Tait McKenzie Centre- The Tait McKenzie Centre is one of the sports and recreation facilities on campus. They offer discounted memberships to York students and community member. One of the reasons why I love the Tait McKenzie Centre is that they offer free drop-in fitness and recreation sessions five days a week. Taking part in these recreational activities at the Tait McKenzie has enabled me to meet new people, relieve stress, and have a great time on campus.

4. Scholars Portal Journals- In my opinion, Scholars Portal Journals is one of the most useful tools to students with research projects or essay assignments. Scholars Portal Journals allows students to search for and access academic literature from a variety of disciplines. It is one of the most comprehensive, extensive and user friendly databases I have ever used.

3. Career Centre- Every student will find it worthwhile to visit the Career Centre at least once during their time at York. The Career Centre offers so many useful programs and services that assist students reach their career goals

2. The Writing Centre- Writing successfully is an important and often challenging component of academic life. Luckily at York, we have an amazing resource that assists students in improving their academic and professional writing skills. The Writing Centre is useful for any student who wants to refine their writing and critical analysis tools. I find their e-tutoring service particularly useful when I am proofreading and editing my assignments.

1. The Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part Time Students (ACMAPS)-The ACMAPS office is a great source of information for students at York. Whether you need academic advising, want information on how to succeed as a mature student at York, or you want to stop by and speak to one of our mature student mentors; ACMAPS is a great resource for mature and part-time students. On Tuesday January 10, 2012, ACMAPS will be having a welcome back open house from 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. Please stop by and meet the amazing staff, mature students, and student mentors at the Centre.

What are some of your favorite resources at York that you would recommend to other students?