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Join the Club: Getting Involved in a York University Student Organization

As an out-of-province transfer student, coming to York University meant that I would be starting fresh, both academically and socially, in a completely new campus and city. Though the prospect of meeting new people and making friends at York was exciting, I was actually very nervous about where I would fit in as a mature student in a sea of more traditional undergrads. I decided to map out a game plan for how I would meet new people and make friends when I arrived at York. My plan was simple but surprisingly effective. I would join any student club that caught my interest and fit into my schedule.

In my two years at York, I have been in the Peer Support Team with the Office of Student Conflict Resolution, a Peer Health Educator with Health Education and Promotion, and I’m taking salsa dancing lessons with the Salsa Club. I’ve had a blast learning everything from how to facilitate a mediation session, to beginner Bachata (a Latin dance style) for the uncoordinated. Getting involved with student clubs at York has proven to be a great way to connect with others outside of the classroom. In each club we all have at least one common interest, and working together towards our goals as a group helps us build a connection that transcended any age gaps. In addition, I have gained so many new skills and experiences for my resume, while building relationships on campus.

Current and former YUMSO members reconnecting

If you’re in the market for a student club, you’re in luck; York University has hundreds of student organizations you can choose from. The clubs range from pre-professional student associations, to ethnic and religious groups, to comedy and theatre clubs. You can find a full listing of the clubs on campus in YU Connect, York’s hub for co-curricular activity. If you want to connect with other mature students on campus, you might consider joining YUMSO, the York University Mature Student Association, or SASP, the Student Association for Student Parents.